P. 12



         CAL-D3 Mineral Solution                                                 additional

 Ident f er   Act ve   Contr but on   Level  n   PACKAGE   5 Liter +  250mL Vitamin D3
 Un t
 Number   Substance   Name   Prem x
 M nerals
 E6   Z nc   Z nc Chlor de   2 500   mg/lt
 E5   Manganese   Manganese   2 000   mg/lt                   (1L) COMPOSITION
 E1   Iron   Iron III   2 500   mg/lt
 Chlor de
 E4   Copper   Copper   900   mg/lt
 3b305   Cobalt    Cobalt Sulphate   20   mg/lt
 E8   Selen um   Sod um   50   mg/lt
 Selen te
 E338   Ortho      113 000   mg/lt
 Phosphor c
 Ac d
 Carr ers
 1.1.6.   Cals um      166 600   mg/lt
 Chlor de
 11.4.1.    Sod um      32 258   mg/lt
 11.2.6.   Magnes um      28 800   mg/lt
 Chlor de   It is used for shell quality problems in laying hens, bone disorders in broiler chickens, ruminant and horses.
    d st lled water            In laying hens;
     It is used by adding 1 liter of mineral mixture and 50 ml of vitamin D3 mixture to 1000 liters of water. It is
     applied continuously for 3 days in egg shell quality problem. It is applied once a week as a preservative.

     In broiler chickens;
     It is used by adding 1-2 liters of mineral mixture and 50+50 ml of vitamin D3 mixture to 1000 liters of water.
     It is applied for 3 days in bone disorders. It is applied once a week as a preservative.
     In Ruminants and Horses;
     It is used by adding 2 liters of mineral mixture and 50+50 ml of vitamin D3 mixture to 1000 liters of water.
     The lid of the large jar can be used to add the Vitamin D3 mixture. 2 caps of Vitamin D3 will equate to 50 ml.

                     Addition of SANIDEZ Cal-D3®. Not for sale.

                                   VİTAMİN D3 COMPISITON
             Ident f er           Act ve
                                                   Level  n Prem x           Un t
              Number           Substance
                E671        V tam n D3           40 000 000                IU/lt
                            D st le water q.s.

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